Another gallery wall…

I mentioned in Monday’s post that I picked up a bunch of frames (7) from the dollar store.  One went in the office, but I didn’t mention what I did with the other ones. 

I knew I wanted to create a gallery wall in the nursery, and I had some art work that I’d gotten a long time ago from Etsy to use.  I also had a very large needlepoint (?? I think that’s what it is ??) picture that my mom had made a long time ago, when I was a baby.  I decided that picture needed to be the center of attention.  It was framed in a large wood frame that didn’t quite fit in with the nursery’s colors, so the first order of business was to do some spray painting.  Not me though- I pawned that job off on T.  He’s a much better spray painter than I am anyway.  I also had him spray paint the dollar store frames, using some leftover paint from the bird bath project.  Sadly I did not think to take photos of this process- but it’s pretty self explanatory!

Once the frames had dried/cured outside in the garage, I brought them inside and popped my art work into them.  I took them upstairs and played around with the arrangement until I found something I liked, then hung them up on the wall.  By the way- I learned a neat trick via Pinterest for picture frame hanging- it works great every time, especially for those frames that have 2 hooks.  Put a small dab of toothpaste on the top of your picture hook, then press against the wall where you want the picture to go- voila!  Instant mark for your nail.  I did the gallery wall in the office this way (which has a lot of frames with 2 hooks) and it worked awesome!

Anyway- on to the photos, since that’s the most important part anyway, right??

 The horse was made by my mom.  The state art came from Poppy and Pinecone on Etsy.  The other art came from Etsy as well but I don’t remember where?  Whoops.

 Washington state for where both T and I were born…

And Georgia for where baby D will be born!

I might put a few more things up there as I find them- like a letter for his name (still undecided as of late), but I’m still thinking about it.  And I plan on putting double stick tape on the backs of all the photos so he doesn’t rip them off the wall onto his head!

What do you think??  I think this room is really coming together.  In fact, now that the walls are filled, I’m calling this room “done”…I’ll be back tomorrow to give you a little tour of baby D’s  room to be!

4 thoughts on “Another gallery wall…

  1. Pingback: DIY canvas art - Davenport DIY

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