Thursday thoughts…

This week has gone by SO slowly.  It hasn’t helped that I’m exhausted- yesterday I swear I was going to curl up and take a nap under my desk- the only thing that stopped me was the fact that my floor is linoleum and uncomfortable.  I don’t know whether it’s because I pushed myself over the weekend painting or baby D is going through a very large growth spurt- either way I can barely keep my eyes open. 
We are apparently having a heat wave here in the south- it’s supposed to be 105 (!!) here starting Friday and lasting through the weekend.  That’s just too hot for me.  My heart goes out to all those preggo ladies in the last couple of months of pregnancy- I can’t imagine being 8 months pregnant in the heat!!  I myself am planning on hiding inside with the AC most of the weekend and possibly going swimming? 
All this hot weather makes me want popsicles…and watermelon.  I’ve been really bummed about the last two watermelons I’ve bought- they’ve been less than spectacular.  Come on- this is Georgia!!  We’re supposed to have amazing watermelons- where are these crappy ones coming from, Washington state??  I’m hoping the store has some good ones, because now I REALLY want one!
A friend of mine is coming over this evening to take some pictures of our dogs.  It’s a surprise for my husband for his birthday (he’s obviously not going to be home).  I want some decent ones of Jackson, the old man of the pack at 13, since he’s not going to be around forever.  This photo shoot has tried to happen (unsuccessfully) 3 times now- it’s been ruined by the weather every single time.  Today might be no different, considering it’s going to get to 100 today.  Jackson does not take a pretty photo anyway, and when his tongue is a mile long…eh.  We’ll see what happens but I don’t have high hopes.  If they turn out well I will share on the blog though!! 
Saturday we will have had our youngest dog Kirby for a year!  Wow- I can’t believe it’s already been a year, and how far he’s come in that time.  He is a little ball of energy and when we first adopted him I seriously wondered what had gotten into us.  He’s grown up in the time we’ve had him and is *sometimes* better behaved than our other two!  He has his moments though.  Happy gotcha day Kirb-derb!!

One thought on “Thursday thoughts…

  1. this heat is killer. i’ve accommodated by just not leaving my house unless i have to! that, and lots of popsicles! will be excited to see the dog pics – the one you have up is so cute!!


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