Monthly photos

I knew before I had B that I probably wouldn’t have time remember to take weekly photos of him- but I figured I could probably handle monthly photos.  It helps that he was born on the 1st, which is a nice reminder!  I’ve been using the chevron blanket I made as a backdrop.  They’re not fabulous (except the first one which is a professional photo), but they’re a fun way to look at how he’s changed with time, and I’d like to think I get better at taking them each time (until he’s rolling over that is).

Barely 1 day old, photo by Bella Baby Photography

1 month old- happy New Year!

2 months old- this photo needs a better angle, but man did he fill out between month 1 and 2!

3 months old- dying of the cuteness. 

These will be so fun to look back at in a year- wow.  What a difference a month makes when you’re tiny!!

3 thoughts on “Monthly photos

  1. this is great!! and how convenient that it’s always on the 1st 🙂 and i agree with kim – the last one is great! i love that 3 month age – they magically transform from scrunched newborns to real babies – but it’s bittersweet too, of course. he’s such a cutie!


  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Your little one is adorable. ;)I used a knit blanket that I made for my first “photo shoot” too. I think it’s a great backdrop and he’ll be able to look back and know that you made it for him. How cool is that?!


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